A few millimeters can move markets.

Industry Analysts shape categories, shift buyer perceptions, and ultimately either improve or impair company value.

We help companies put their best foot forward with critical influencers from Forrester, Gartner, and more - earning the vital millimeters that shift analyst placements up and to the right.

About Elena

Elena Hutchison saw firsthand the power of analyst influence to move markets in her role as the Chief Strategy Officer at Medallia. Under Elena’s leadership, Medallia made Analyst Relations a key strategic function - earning leader placements across multiple Forrester Waves and Gartner MQs along the way (and earning Elena a coveted spot on the NYSE balcony during Medallia’s IPO).

Today, Elena works with companies that are ready to uplevel their engagement with critical influencers at Forrester, Gartner, IDC, and beyond.

  • Elena’s experience as a practitioner across all company stages means her advice is hands-on, tactical, and scrappy

  • Elena’s unique mix of marketing, strategy, and sales expertise mean she can create a consistent and compelling story out of your inquiries, demos, briefing content, and even roadmap and strategy

  • Elena has sat in the executive suite - she’s not afraid to tell senior leaders exactly what they need to do to optimize your coverage - even when the conversations are hard!


  • De-risk your major evaluation with strategic step-by-step support services designed to help you maximize your placement, from pre-kickoff to publication.

  • Didn’t land where you hoped to? We help you analyze what happened and design the right plan to improve for next time.

  • Ensure your briefing content is on message and your spokespeople are ready to perform. We level up your demos, slideware, and overall presentation to maximize impact.

  • A project-based engagement to help you craft an effective and efficient AR strategy for the year (perfect for startups looking for an expert strategy you can execute yourselves).

  • We work through a member of your team to provide Analyst Relations guidance year-round. You get expert AR strategy year-round, without the full-time hire.

  • 1:1 coaching for Analyst Relations Professionals looking to uplevel their executive presence and organizational influence

  • "Elena was an invaluable resource through our Wave - she helped us see around corners and kept our executives in line."

    -$500M B2B SaaS Company in their first Forrester Wave

  • "While Elena has superb takes on the 'blocking and tackling' aspects of day-to-day AR execution, she's also keenly aware of how to articulate the ROI and business benefit of AR - incredibly useful in reporting up on the value of a program. She knows it's all about outcome - not simply output, and she shares expertise on what to measure."

    -Director of Analyst Relations, Global Ecommerce Company. Executive Coaching Client.

  • "Elena helped us design a Gartner Peer Insights strategy that didn't sacrifice the work we'd done to build up G2."

    -Director of Product Marketing

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